Frequently Asked Questions

How long will shipping take / When will I receive my Order?

Please refer to our Return & Shipping Policy page to learn how long shipping and delivery take for specific items.

What is the Refund Policy on ShopMixi?

We gladly accept returns and exchanges. If you are not satisfied with your order, you can request a return within 7 days of delivery and ship items back within 14 days of delivery. Just send us an email at with your exact order # and the reason why you want to return our product. After that, you’ll ship it to our business address and once we receive it we will issue a refund. *Please note that we do not offer refunds/returns for items on sale unless they arrive damaged or defective *

Do you support wholesale?

Yes. We’re offer wholesale price to wholesaler. So if you want create cooperation with us. Please Email us for more detail!

Is this Store Secure / Legit / Real?

We have more than 100,000 happy customers and growing worldwide! Also, our store is SSL certificate secured, encrypting website data sent from the browser to the server, and vice versa.And to be TRIPPLE sure, we process all of our payments using Verified Paypal, one of the biggest and most secure payment gateways in the universe. They give you ( and provide us) security against all fraud.