Privacy Policy

MixiGifts wants to provide you with a safe and secure shopping environment. Below outlines our Privacy Policy. It will explain how we collect, use and store your information. Should there be a change in our Privacy Policy, we will promptly post it here. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us at

We collect a name, address and email address when you create an account online, purchase a box, or sign up for our newsletter.

We are using a third party (paypal) for all transactions. All information that is collected by us will not be rented, sold or shared with anyone outside of

We follow the standard protocol regarding the collection and processing of credit information. To ensure your trust in us any information you transmit on our website is processed by an industry-standard data encryption system called Secure Socket Layer (SSL).


The information collected is used strictly for the purpose collected. We use the information to process the orders and communicate with you. We do not trade, sell or share your personal information. All information collected online is stored offsite on secured server(s).